Yesterday I tried yoga for the first time! I know many people picture me as the yoga type, but I have never yogied (is that even a thing??). I did try Power Yoga when I was a freshman in undergrad, but I wanted to die after 10 minutes and it made me scared of trying yoga. I have a few great friends who go to Yoga on Parliament Hill almost every Wednesday at noon, but I was never courageous enough to try. Actually I have been telling myself for at least three years (more likely four) that I should really give it a go!
It was quite an experience! I was surrounded by at least 300 other people, mostly women in their twenties, but also kids and older people. It was not at all like I was expecting. I was able to follow, not one time I felt overwhelmed. I even felt relax! I will certainly go again!
I am very far from achieving my “Rocking my Thirties” goal of learning yoga, but I am certainly one step closer, and I have ten years of summers on Canada’s Parliament Hill to achieve it!!